Merrill Dubrow: Hi. My name is Merrill Dubrow, CEO of M/A/R/C Research and a 35-plus year veteran of the insights community and the host of our podcast on the M/A/R/C. Welcome to another Merrill-ISM segment. Today's segment is, if I had to do it over again, I would have swapped dot-dot-dot this. OK, I don't want to fill in the blank just yet, but rather, does this sound familiar? Do you ever say the same thing over and over to a fellow employee, somebody you work with, a buddy of yours, or one of your kids? They've heard it before, over and over, they've tuned you out at this point. And then miraculously, mysteriously, someone else says the exact same thing that you have said over and over, and they listen to it. Well, that happens to me often, especially when it comes to my kids. Now, let me say my kids are great. They're special. They're smart. I love them all. But at times, they don't always have great listening skills. And at times, they discount what I say, because wait for it, I was the one who said it. The dad, what does he know? But if one of their friends says it, or one of my friends say it or not an uncle there, say it, their ears perk up like a greyhound or a German shepherd. They listen, a little more intense. Kind of interesting. So if that's the case, and I believe that to be true, then if I had to do it all over again, I would have swapped kids during the summer for a week or two, to experience another city, another house, a different set of rules, some perspective on life. But probably more than anything, lots of learnings. And I'm wondering, just wondering here as I sit in Texas, if anyone I know does this or thinks like me about this topic. I think it is a good idea, and it has lots of value and links to it. My name is Merrill Dubrow, thanks for listening to today's podcast. If I had to do it all over again, I would have swapped–this. What do you think? You may crazy? Do you already do this? What do you do this? Stay well, stay safe. And please, please stay in touch.