My name is Merrill Dubrow, CEO of M/A/R/C Research and a 35 plus year veteran of the insights community and the host of our podcast, On the M/A/R/C. Welcome to another On the M/A/R/C Merrill-ISM. Stanley and June Goldstein got it right. I know many of you were saying, "Who? Who was Stanley and June Goldstein? A relative of Merrill's?" No. They're actually friends of my parents, who I met years and years and years ago. Stanley used to play golf with my dad weekly, and then, he'd come over, when we'd chat. And I recall him telling me some stories about when he goes shopping and buys his clothes, that he has to throw or give away clothes. And I'm, "What?" So there he is, he's telling me this story, and I just didn't get it. I'm, "What do you mean?" He was, "Well, June," who is his wife, "and I agree on how many clothes I can have." Stuff like 10 dress shirts or 15 golf shorts or 24 T-shirts or four pairs of jeans, and so on. And he was saying that if he goes out and buys two pairs of golf shorts, then two go. They go somewhere else other than the house and his closet. They go to charity or they go in the trash. It's an interesting concept that, frankly, I never understood and kind of made fun of years ago. But I think they got it right. Stanley and June, nice job. At the end of 2023, probably a month or six weeks ago, I tossed away so many clothes, and filled not one, not two, but three big bags of clothes. I loved it. But that's unnecessary. If I was Stanley Goldstein, I would be doing that as we go along. Thanks for listening to today's On the M/A/R/C Merrill-ISM. Stanley and Jude Goldstein got it right. How does your closet look? Do you have a similar strategy like Stanley and June Goldstein? Do you need to purge out a bunch of clothes like I did? My name is Merrill Dubrow. I look forward to hearing from you. Stay well. Stay safe. And please, please, stay in touch.